Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Posted by ♥Miyo♥Miiruku♥ at 10:47 AM 1 comments
Behold the beautiful Pandora!
Well, I haven't seen Avatar when it was released. Because some of my friends said that it wasn't that nice. (I wanna kill who ever who said it)
Until when recently out of nowhere, Speedy as premiering Avatar on their big plasma screen.
Because of where I work, every time I go to the 1st floor, I will pass speedy.
And always saw Avatar...
So, one day Jessica and I, my work buddy. Went to Sen-Q because she wanted to see laptops. They're playing avatar on basically 6 plasma screens!!!
So I just sat there and watch. And come to think of it, IT'S AMAZING!!!
And then, I borrowed a DVD from my bf's sis and well watched it...
And I'm obviously obsess with it.. Watching it over and over!!
And to understand the story more well, I did some research. I wish to share with everyone!

This Is Jake Sully. Human form!

This is Jake in his Avatar form!

This Is Neytiri. Eytukan (the clan chief's daughter) Princess of the Clan

This is Tsu'Tey... Direct successor to Eytukan as leader of the clan

This is Eytukan, Leader of the clan.

This is Mo'at. Spiritual Leader of the Clan and also Neytiri's mom!
This are some details on the casts...
Jake was part of the Avatar Program, in which humans remotely control Human/Na'vi hybrids to safely navigate the planet.

Jake was originally assigned to gather intel that would help Colonel Quaritch discover the Na'vi weaknesses so he could force them to leave Hometree or destroy it if necessary.

This being done so due to the earth beneath Hometree having a significant deposit of Unobtanium; the entire reason for RDA's interest in Pandora.

Jake learns the ways of the Na'vi hunters from Neytiri and is eventually accepted into the Omaticaya clan.

Soon after he and Neytiri fall in love. Shortly after this the RDA stages it's attack on Hometree, for which Jake seeks revenge.

When everything seems lost to the Na'vi, Jake is able to attain Tsahaylu with a Great Leonopteryx, becoming the sixth Toruk Makto.

He plays a key role in the final war, as he leads the Na'vi against the RDA offensive. The Na'vi then perform a ceremony in which they ask Eywa(their Goddess) to place Jake's mind into his Avatar body permanently.

Neytiri is the daughter of Na'vi clan leaders Mo'at and Eytukan. She saved Jake Sully's life when he was being attacked by a pack of viperwolves.

After Jake and Neytiri meet, she begins to fall in love with him, and eventually Jake joins the Na'vi to help Neytiri and the others save their tribe/village.The Na'vi tribe clan is called the 'Omaticaya Clan', Neytiri is the princess of the tribe.

Tsu'Tey is a member of the Omaticaya clan, and the direct successor to Eytukan as leader of the tribe.

He is a skilled direhorse and banshee rider known for his archery skills.
More than the other Na'vi, Tsu'Tey is immediately suspicious of Jake's arrival amongst his people.

Eytukan is the father of Neytiri and the supreme leader of the Omaticaya clan of Pandora.

Mo'at is the mother of Neytiri and also the spiritual leader of Omaticaya clan of Pandora. She interprets the will of Eywa the mother of life.
"The Na'vi then perform a ceremony in which they ask Eywa(their Goddess) to place Jake's mind into his Avatar body permanently."
Means he's not dead yet!!! My bf telling me that he's dead! but guess what? HE ISN'T!!! YAY!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It took my 59 entries to get here!

Posted by ♥Miyo♥Miiruku♥ at 3:42 PM 0 comments
XD Ignore the title if you don't get my joke!
This is nothing but another blog entry..
Recently was quite boring so nothing inspired me to blog, and to be honest I really wanted to blog about something..

Maybe some random stuff? But I don't know how to put things in order..
So I usually wait till I get inspired by "something" then I blog!
I watched my "Yukan Club" again.. It's a Jdrama!

And I've recently like saying this line " Life is like a Meal, and Love are just snacks"
Because there's this Sempai (a senior), getting married to this 40++ year old man just to save her dad's company because they're about to go bankrupt.
So, as an adpoted daughter she had to help her dad, because they took care of her for 19 years already!

Now, I am really frustrated! Why the hell those "dirty things" like to disturb us when we sleep?
I always get "pressed down" by them! And it's like they can read out thoughts in mind!
WTF man! Why like this? Come on! I never EVER disturb them! Then why the hell the come and "Press" me down!
For those who didn't experienced this before, the feeling of it is like.. Suddenly you can't move your body, and it feels a little numb, to overcome it you BETTER PRAY!

For catholics, say "Our Father" , "Hail Mary", and "Glory Be"
I always say it, and when I get to "Hail Mary the feeling just disappear!
I am very angry at this thing!
I'm not sure where it is when it presses you down, because my friend told me, "IT" will be outside a window or a door.. But my boyfriend told me that It's on top of you!

Phew, I don't wanna talk about it anymore! Cause I know alot of people suffer more than this, and I don't want that to happen to me..
God, please help me!

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